The primary purpose of implementing PBIS is to change the climate of our schools so that they are a great place to grow educationally, emotionally, and socially. An important measurement of progress involves tracking office discipline referrals. A school with a poor climate should see a reduction in Office Discipline Referrals as the climate improves. The PBIS Rewards Behavior Referral System gives you a simple and direct view into this and much, much more.
Behavior Referral System Features and Benefits
Completely Digital – No paper involved! The referral can be started from the smartphone app, a tablet device or a computer. Simple electronic forms take the drudgery out of the process.
- Customizable Infractions List – You can customize the list of infractions to fit your school and environment (e.g., Bullying, Fighting)
- Customizable Redirections List – You can customize the list of redirections that teachers are attempting to diffuse situations (e.g., Time Out).
- Customizable Motivations List – You can customize the list of student motivations to more accurately reflect what might have been behind the infraction.
- Customizable Administrative Actions List – The actions that are taken by the Administrative Staff dealing with the student can be customized (e.g., In-School Suspension, Letter of Apology)
- Proxy Submission – Sometimes the staff who is dealing with the problem isn’t in a position to start the referral process. Another staff member can start the form on their behalf so that the Administrative Staff is notified.
- Referral Notifications – When a referral is started, the office staff is immediately notified so they have advanced warning that a situation needs attention.
- Closed-Loop View – The staff responsible for the referral will see what action was taken by the Administrative Staff.
- 360 Degree View – Administrative reports give a clear view on how PBIS Rewards is working and how it relates to office referrals on a teacher-by-teacher basis. Your PBIS Program Lead will have great data to help provide feedback to teachers, helping them to see how adherence to PBIS principles makes a difference by reducing their office referrals.
- Behavior Intervention Recommendations – Suite360 Behavior Intervention lessons display as a possible administrative action or response on the major referral form within Behavior Referral System. The lessons are based on the student’s grade level and the problem behavior(s) associated with the referral.
PBIS Rewards’ Behavior Referral System gives you a clearer view on the progress your PBIS program is making and gives you teacher-by-teacher and student-by-student data to help you make improvements.
** The Behavior Referral System option is an ADDITIONAL FEE to the standard base cost of PBIS Rewards. **