The PBIS Rewards District Portal is a free school evaluation tool that makes it easy for district-level administrators to support PBIS and discipline initiatives. Districts are able to view school district data to promote the implementation of PBIS Rewards, positive recognition trends, and efforts to improve school climate and culture.** Information is provided on both a per-school and district-wide basis. Districts using our Behavior Referral System feature can also view office discipline referral data.
Assess School District Data
View the PBIS efforts of every PBIS Rewards school in your district. See the launch setup of each school, how many points are given, staff meeting daily goal, how points are redeemed, average points given by staff, point leaders, and average points per student. You can even message schools regarding their setup progress right in the portal.
Sign in to the District Portal to help schools with management of their PBIS and discipline initiatives at the school level. District-level users can sign into each school for which they have access in order to assist with customization, generate school level reports, and identify opportunities to build on current efforts.
Save Time
See how well multiple schools are doing across your district. You can access that information all at once instead of reviewing each school individually. Drill down into the data by school type and/or by specific schools and view the district-level data you need in one place, saving time and effort.
View Interventions
Get an accurate picture of student behavior on a per-school and district-wide basis. See how many students are in Tier I, how many are in Tier II, and track interventions per month and per school. Use data about Tier II efforts to support schools as they transition students back to Tier I.
View Referrals in ARS
The optional Behavior Referral System (BRS) allows districts to track each discipline referral as it relates to referral trends per school. Track office referral trends including the Big 5 and in-school and out-of-school suspensions. Document your ODRs by location, time, problem behavior, student(s), and per day per month, as well as grade level and day of the week. Referral reports help to determine where and when the problems occur, allowing school leaders to address these areas and reduce referrals.
Customize Content
Manage which users are granted access to the reports in the district portal. Provide access to superintendents, directors of curriculum, district PBIS coaches, district data coordinators, and others to share district-wide data via the District Dashboard. With no limit to how many users can access the dashboard, supporting schools and sharing data is quick and easy with the Points Dashboard, Interventions Dashboard, and Referral Dashboard.
** The District Portal option is INCLUDED in the standard base cost of PBIS Rewards. Access to the District Portal can be granted to District representatives upon purchase or by request. **