About PBIS Rewards | A Schoolwide PBIS Management System

Our Mission

"PBIS Rewards helps schools create a positive climate in which every student can learn and grow academically, socially, and emotionally."

Recognize Any Student, Anywhere!

A key aspect of PBIS is focusing on more positive behaviors and less on negative behaviors. PBIS Rewards makes this fundamental step in PBIS much easier in a schoolwide support setting. Our convenient suite of PBIS Rewards Apps and the Desktop Portal make it easy for the whole school to participate in student recognition, providing consistency throughout the school.

With PBIS Rewards, teachers, administrators, and staff can all support student growth and development through acknowledgment of student successes with PBIS expectations.

Recognize Any Student, Anywhere with PBIS Rewards

PBIS Rewards is About Student Acknowledgement

When teachers see students exhibiting a positive behavior, they acknowledge the action: “Thank you, Tommy, for following our hallway rules!”  With the PBIS Rewards system, teachers, staff, and administrators can recognize and acknowledge student behavior in a fun and inviting way. We commonly refer to this as the ability to recognize any student, anywhere. We want to give schools the ability to focus on positive behaviors that foster growth in the classroom and build positive teacher-student relationships.

Pete Metrinko - PBIS Rewards Review

"PBIS Rewards has been amazing for Skyline Middle School! It is so much more than just rewarding students!"


- Pete Metrinko, Athletic Director
Skyline Middle School

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