Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Length: 30 minutes
Who should attend?
Teachers, PBIS leaders, Admin
Discover the power of PBIS Rewards’ redeeming options in this comprehensive training led by our expert professional development coaches. In just one session, participants will gain a deep understanding of the three key redemption avenues: stores, events, and raffles, and learn how to harness their potential to enhance positive behavior reinforcement within their educational community. Delve into the intricacies of adding items and managing school or individual teacher stores, seamlessly create and incorporate students into events, and master the art of effectively managing raffles through the PBIS Rewards system. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to optimize the use of PBIS Rewards’ redeeming options, revolutionizing your approach to behavior management, and fostering a culture of positivity and engagement within your school environment.
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This PBIS Rewards training event is in the past. Please choose another event to attend.