Dear PBIS Rewards,
We’re excited to take our PBIS initiative to the next level with your Behavior Referral System… but we’ve got a few questions about paperless referrals.
Ready for Paperless Referrals
Dear Ready for Paperless Referrals,
We get it! Paperless referrals can be a little intimidating at first. You’re taking a process that has traditionally been very paper-intensive and making it digital. It’s perfectly normal to wonder how this is going to work.
Our Behavior Referral System will help you to better manage your referrals from beginning to end. Here are some of the most common questions everyone asks about paperless referrals:
Can the entire staff see the referrals?
The staff can see major referrals that they have given, but they can’t see major referrals written by other teachers. Schools have the option to allow all staff to see minor referrals that have been issued by any staff member.
When do parents see the referrals? Will they see minor/major?
Parents will see minor referrals as soon as they are issued by the teacher. Major referrals will be seen by the parents once the major referral has been completed by the office. Parents will receive notifications via the PBIS Rewards Family App. For both major and minors the information available will be the time/date, the issuing staff member and the problem behavior.
Can a teacher write a referral for a student who is not in their class if they observe a behavior in the hallway?
Any staff member can issue a referral for any student in the school.
Can discipline referrals be printed if needed for litigation? State reporting? IEP meetings?
Yes! You can print referral forms or download them as a PDF.
Taking Your PBIS Initiative Further With Paperless Referrals
PBIS Rewards allows you to see exactly how your teachers are using the system and how your students are responding. Adding the Behavior Referral System will allow you to document referrals more accurately. As you fine-tune your PBIS initiative based on this data, you may see a marked reduction in referrals as well as improved school climate.
Do you have questions about the Behavior Referral System that we didn’t cover here? Want to know more about using paperless referrals? Our support staff can help! Just call us, visit our support site, or contact us via social media – we’ll be happy to help!