Here at PBIS Rewards, we love to get feedback from our schools! Educators and administrators have been a consistent source for great ideas to improve our software, and we take every suggestion we receive into consideration. Each release includes changes and improvements, some of which are the direct result of customer input. The latest release, PBIS Rewards Release 9.0, is filled with exciting upgrades to the PBIS school store portion of our software. Keep reading to learn more!
PBIS School Store Enhancements
Store Hours
Want your students to only be able to shop your school store during certain hours? You got it! Now you can designate PBIS store hours! Students will only be able to shop during the hours you set, and these hours are in effect only on days when school is in session.
Grade-Level Purchasing
Some incentives are appropriate for specific grade levels only. Now you can determine which students can purchase certain items by designating them for specific grades. When you input a new incentive, you will have the option to set the grade level for purchase, whether its available to all grades or just a select few. Grade level options in the software will reflect your school’s grade makeup.
One-Click Editing
Need to make edits in the school store? We’ve added a feature that enables you to make edits of several items at once. Options for editing include category, out of stock, show in list, student purchase, sale price, and archive. Now you don’t have to go through a painstaking process to edit each individual item – just select the ones you want to edit and make your changes.
One-Click Purchase Denial
In previous versions of PBIS Rewards, approving or denying purchases for students has been on a student-by-student basis. We’ve upgraded that option to enable you to select multiple purchase requests and approve or deny them with a single click. Now, your options include “Approve and redeem now,” “Approve and redeem later,” “Deny and return to stock,” and “Deny and do not return to stock.” You can still approve or deny items individually as needed, as well.
Other Changes and Improvements
Events Calendar
If your school is like most, there are lots of events for your students to participate in, both schoolwide and in the classroom. Now you can see events in a calendar format! Choose to view schoolwide events, events scheduled for your own classroom, or both. The calendar format can help you to better visualize your school’s schedule of events and plan your own special days. View the events calendar for the month, week, and day, and register students for events from the calendar page. You can also create events from this page and set criteria for qualifying for these events.
Additional Functionality in Groups
We get it – teachers live in their groups! Many people asked for more functionality, and we responded by adding shortcuts to one of the features teachers use the most. Now, you can add events, raffles, and classroom store items right from the Groups page! Add an event right from your Groups screen and begin adding students right away. Our Event Limit Tracker enables you to quickly see which of your events are at capacity and which ones still have room to add students. Create a raffle and add students to the raffle without leaving your Groups page. You’ll also be able to add items to your classroom store while you’re in your Groups screen.
Store Reports
We’ve made a few changes and additions to the reports you can pull for your school store. In the Store Inventory and Items Purchased reports, we’ve added a column for Item IDs to enable you to track items by their ID number. We’ve also added a “Sold By” column in the Items Purchased report so that you can see the name affiliated with the cashier account and track the activity of your cashiers.
As you view the changes in Release 9.0 you’ll notice many areas where we have streamlined or better organized the information available to you in the app. Much of this has been done based on the information and feedback provided by our users. We appreciate the requests and responses we receive from educators and will always work toward providing you with a software product that makes it easier to manage your PBIS initiative.
PBIS Rewards Release 9.0 will be available to all users on January 10, 2022.
Want to see these improvements in action? Check out our video walk-through of these features!