How do you know if your PBIS initiative is successful? What criteria do you use to measure progress? For many schools, getting an accurate picture of the performance of their PBIS initiative is easier said than done. Paper tickets, manual tracking, and spreadsheets can only provide so much in terms of information, and even so, the numbers may not be accurate. However, accurate PBIS data collection is important when it comes to making adjustments in your PBIS initiative.
The Challenges of Physical Tokens
Physical tokens – chips, craft sticks, pompoms, tickets – are helpful as a tangible item that connects a reward to an action. For very young students, receiving a physical token can be exciting. However, the excitement can be short-lived, forgotten as they move on to another activity. Keeping track of physical tokens can also be difficult, both for students and teachers. Misplaced and mishandled tokens cannot be redeemed and must be replaced frequently with new ones.
Without accurate tracking and accounting of physical tokens, how do you know if your students are truly connecting positive behavior with recognition?
The Challenges of Manual Tracking
Regardless of the number of teachers on staff, keeping them all up-to-date on student point totals can be a difficult task. Manual tracking and accounting of student points can vary from classroom to classroom. Many schools use spreadsheets to make this process easier. However, allowing multiple staff members to make changes to these spreadsheets can result in inaccuracies.
How do you know which teachers are awarding points and which ones are resistant to PBIS? How can you be sure your PBIS initiative is reducing disciplinary issues?
PBIS Data Collection to Fine-Tune Your PBIS Initiative
Overall, a physical token economy with manual tracking is difficult to sustain in the long run, especially schoolwide. A PBIS initiative can take three to five years to come to complete fruition – and possibly longer if you do not have accurate data to enable you to make decisions.
Ideally, you should have an accurate and robust method of tracking the data generated by your initiative. Being able to drill down into the numbers allows you to take a granular look at what is happening in your school.
Consider the advantages of a digital token economy. When you take the management of your PBIS initiative into the digital realm, everyone benefits. Your staff no longer needs to keep a supply of tokens on hand. Your students can use every single point they are awarded. School store management becomes easier and less time-consuming. And administration can assess the success of your initiative from multiple perspectives.
Using PBIS Rewards to Evaluate PBIS Data
PBIS Rewards is a complete software suite designed to help schools manage every aspect of their PBIS initiative, from the student level all the way to administration. Staff can recognize students anywhere and award points with a simple scan or a click of a button. Points accumulate in student accounts without any danger of lost tokens, enabling students to use every single point they’ve earned in the school store. Data generated by the software is available for review by staff and admins, depending on permissions set in the dashboard. Admins can examine PBIS data by selecting one of the many reports available:
Available PBIS Rewards Reports
- Points
- Total Points Awarded Today
- Points Awarded by Expectation
- Staff Daily Points Goal Achieved
- Student Daily Points Goal Achieved
- Points by Month
- Points Awarded by Staff
- Points Awarded by Student
- Points Awarded by Grade
- Average Points Awarded by Staff
- Points Awarded by Group
- Points vs Referrals
- Points Awarded by Gender
- Points Awarded by Ethnicity
- Interventions
- Current Students in CICO
- % of Students Meeting Goal
- Average # of Days on a CICO Plan
- CICO Plans per Month
- Student Goal Tracking (CICO)
- CICO Point Goal Trend
- Class Period Trend (CICO)
- Teacher Check-ins (CICO)
- SEL Check by Student
- SEL Check by Staff
- Referrals
- Major Referral Trend (Today)
- Major vs Minor Referral
- Referrals by Locations
- Major Referrals by Problem Behavior
- Referrals by Day & Time
- Average Referrals Per Day by Month
- Referrals by Time
- Referrals by Student
- Referrals by Grade
- Referrals by Day of the Week
- Referrals by Gender
- Referrals by Ethnicity
- Referrals by Student
- Minor Referrals by Problem Behaviors
- Suspensions by Grade
- Suspensions by Problem Behaviors
- Redeem
- Store Inventory
- Items Purchased
- Redeem vs Unredeemed (Items)
- Refunded Purchases
- Redeem & Approval Queue
- Events
- Raffles
- Other
- Points Adjustments
- Parent Messages
- Comments (Points)
- Raw Log
Fine-Tuning Your PBIS Initiative with PBIS Data Collection
The PBIS data recorded in the system allows a school to have a broad overview as well as specific views of their initiative. You can make adjustments throughout the school year based on this information. Help at-risk students improve with digital Check-In/Check-Out. Build buy-in by coaching those staff members who may be resistant to PBIS or PBIS Rewards. Assess where your school climate is headed by examining ODRs. In short, PBIS Rewards can help you to see how your PBIS initiative is performing, and why.
PBIS Rewards is designed to make the administration of your PBIS initiative simple and effective, both at the classroom level and schoolwide. We’d love to show you how easy it can be to make the most of PBIS in your school. Just request a demo and we’ll set up a day and time that works for you and your team!