On the surface, a PBIS initiative appears to be simple: establish a matrix of positive expectations and recognize students when they exhibit positive behaviors. From there, students can use the points they’ve earned to shop the school’s PBIS store. The recognition and reinforcement of positive behaviors improves school climate.
Go beyond the surface, however, and you’ll find that a PBIS initiative can be complex and challenging. Tiered systems of support, accurate points tracking, and consistent implementation are just a few of the factors that can affect an initiative’s success. Many schools opt to manage PBIS manually, and as a result don’t get a clear picture of its effectiveness. Are student point totals accurate? Is the PBIS store adequately stocked? Have discipline referrals decreased? Are staff members all-in on the program?
Managing your PBIS initiative digitally can help you answer these questions and more. PBIS Rewards enables you to manage PBIS in your school, easily and efficiently. But how does PBIS Rewards work?
How PBIS Rewards Works
As a digital management platform, PBIS Rewards takes each element of a PBIS initiative and makes it easy to access. There’s no need to invest in special equipment – staff members can use the software on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Any staff member can recognize any student, anywhere on campus, any time. Paper tickets or other physical tokens aren’t necessary. Points are recorded and tracked automatically, eliminating manual accounting. In fact, managing your initiative with PBIS Rewards is as simple as Recognize, Redeem, and Report.
Positive behavior can happen anywhere, and it’s important to acknowledge students in the moment. With PBIS Rewards, recognition can happen almost instantly. There are many ways to recognize a student or group of students in the app. For schools using student ID cards, badges, or scannable labels affixed to desks or planners, recognition is a simple scan. Teachers can also create a scannable roster of their students and scan from there. Recognize multiple individuals at the same time by selecting students and awarding points to everyone selected with one click. Within the software, the Groups function makes it possible to create specific groups of students, such as reading groups, sports teams, or houses, and recognize those groups with one click. Each of these actions only takes moments to complete, freeing up precious minutes in the day.
Recognition for positive behavior translates into points within PBIS Rewards. These points are part of positive reinforcement and students tend to get very excited about them. Why? Because points are currency in the school’s PBIS store! Whether you have a physical store or a virtual store, PBIS Rewards can help you operate it. Offer incentives such as tangible items, privileges, and access to school events or raffles. Teachers can also set up their own classroom stores, as well. When students make a purchase, the software automatically deducts the points from their balance. Redeeming points is simple, accurate, and fun!
It’s no secret that a PBIS initiative produces a lot of data. How well you understand that data can make the difference in how you adjust your initiative to meet your school’s needs. PBIS Rewards includes a wealth of customizable reports that allow you to dive deep into the data. Assess teacher buy-in and identify opportunities for coaching. View referral data and determine discipline trends. Evaluate student behavioral patterns and plan appropriate procedures for problem areas. Every bit of data in your PBIS initiative can be used to improve school climate, and PBIS Rewards provides useful reports for that purpose.
Using PBIS Rewards in Your School
We’ve built PBIS Rewards to make it easier to administrate your PBIS initiative, simply and quickly. A PBIS initiative can produce incredible change in your school climate, provided it’s managed well. PBIS can improve classroom management, give teachers more time to teach, and impact student learning as well as social and emotional health.
The best way to see how PBIS Rewards works is to sit in on a demo of the software. In a demo, we’ll walk you through recognizing a student, creating groups, student purchasing in the store, reports, and so much more! Want to see it in action? Request a demo!