The Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support (GAPBS) is hosting its 12th annual conference on December 4-5, 2019, and PBIS Rewards is excited to return for our fourth year! As part of the larger network of the Association for Positive Behavior Support, GAPBS focuses on promoting positive behavior supports within the state of Georgia. The theme of this year’s conference is “Connecting School, Community, and Home Through Positive Behavior Support.”
Conference Tracks
Because the GAPBS Conference covers multiple areas of behavior support, this year’s conference tracks include:
- Community Support
- Early Childhood: Birth to 8
- Family/Parent
- K-12
- Mental Health
- School Climate
- Advanced Tiers
For educators, interventionists, clinicians, family members, and community partners, the 2019 GAPBS Conference provides a wealth of information to put into practical use.
Keynote Speaker
The keynote speaker for the 2019 GAPBS Conference is Dr. Ross Greene, child psychologist, New York Times bestselling author, and founding director of Lives in the Balance. Dr. Greene’s keynote presentation will focus on collaborative and proactive solutions for behaviorally challenging kids. Change your focus from management to collaboration with Dr. Greene’s practical strategies and insights!
Connect With PBIS Rewards at GAPBS 2019
Join us for one of two professional development sessions:
Matrix Mania: How to Clear up the Confusion and Clarify Your Expectations
We will discuss why clear expectations are important and the way culture can change with a few tweaks. This session will help schools create a strong matrix that will help students to know exactly what the expectations are.
- Demonstrate why a strong matrix is instrumental for a successful PBIS implementation
- Create a strong matrix for schoolwide implementation of PBIS
- Understand how to a clear, concise matrix will radically change the culture and implementation of PBIS in their building
Creating Teaching Routines That Buy Back Instructional Time
What if you had a magic wand to change just one thing in your classroom? We will look at creating classroom routines that support the SWPBIS matrix… and buy back precious minutes of instructional time.
- Explain the difference between schoolwide matrix and classroom matrix
- Prepare an answer for my staff regarding behavior reinforcement schedule
- List examples of classroom routines for my school
- Draft a classroom matrix
- Give behavior-specific praise examples
As a platinum sponsor at the 2019 GAPBS Conference, PBIS Rewards is excited to share our digital PBIS management system with conference attendees. Our affordable, schoolwide system can transform your school’s culture by making it possible to quickly and easily recognize positive behavior in any setting. Visit our exhibitor table to learn more about how our digital token economy can eliminate paper tickets, accurately track data, and create a positive atmosphere for every student! We’ll be providing live demos of our software suite, answering questions, and handing out some swag, too!
The 2019 GAPBS Conference takes place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, December 4-5, 2019. You may purchase tickets here.
We hope to see you there!
Not Attending the 2019 GAPBS Conference?
Not a problem! PBIS Rewards offers free, live online demos – all you have to do is ask! Learn more about how PBIS Rewards can simplify the management of your PBIS initiative and help you to build a positive school climate. Request your PBIS Rewards demo!