A Radical Reward Idea From the Goldsmith Elementary Dolphins!
Radical Rewards are a fun way to promote positive behavior and strengthen relationships with students. PBIS Rewards’ own Matt Hart takes a look at how one school highlights student success using data generated through PBIS Rewards.
“Hello everyone, this is Matt from PBIS Rewards, sharing a Radical Reward. Today we feature the Goldsmith Elementary Dolphins from Louisville, Kentucky. Their Radical Reward is something we call the Bulletin Board Blast.
PBIS Rewards makes it easy for teachers to find who has the most points in each class. There are several ways to search for students in the teacher app. They can use their smartphone to scan a badge or search for students by name. They can also use the search bar in the desktop portal. Just click the student’s picture or search for a student to see who’s leading your class in points. Whoever has the highest point total gets their awesome place on the bulletin board.
So here’s how it works: every teacher at Goldsmith has their picture and name on a bulletin board near the main entrance of the school. This helps everyone get to know the teachers but that’s not all. At the end of each eight week grading period, the student with the top Dolphin Dollars in each class gets their picture and name posted right next to their teacher!
Great job, Dolphins! This has been Matt for PBIS Rewards.
If you have a Radical Reward, let us know about it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or at PBISrewards.com… and remember, stay positive!”
Lots of schools using PBIS Rewards have great ideas just like this one from Goldsmith Elementary. Do you have a Radical Reward? Let us know about it.
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